8 Different Types of Sunflowers

Common Sunflower

The common Sunflower is the classic sunflower most people are familiar with. It has large yellow flower heads and can grow up to 10 feet tall. Common sunflowers are cultivated for their seeds, oil, and ornamental value.

Dwarf Sunflower

Dwarf sunflowers are smaller in stature, typically growing to about 1-3 feet in height. they produce vibrant yellow or orange flowers and are well-suited for small garden and containers.

Teddy Bear Sunflower

Teddy Bear Sunflowers are compact variety of with fully double golden-yellow flowers. They are popular for their fluffy appearance and are often used for cut flower arrangements.

Russian Sunflower

Russian Sunflowers, also known as giant sunflowers, can reach towering height of 12 feet or more.  the have enormous flower heads and are grown for both ornamental and seed production.

Red Sunflower

Red sunflowers are known for their deep red to maroon plants. they add a unique and vibrant colour variation to sunflower gardens and floral arrangements.

Lemon Queen Sunflower

Lemon queen sunflower feature pale lemon-yellow petals and are favourite among pollinators, such as bees and butterflies. They grow to a height of around 5-6 feet.

Chocolate Sunflower

Chocolate sunflowers have rich, dark brown or maroon petals that resemble the color of chocolate. they are attractive and eye-catching variety in sunflower gardens.

Mexican Sunflower

Mexican sunflowers are a different species from the common sunflower and are known for their bright orange or red-orange daisy-like flowers. They are loved for their vibrant color and are great choice for attracting pollinators.