DSE Assam Recruitment 2024: The Directorate of Secondary Education (DSE), Assam has recently released an official notification regarding the recruitment of 1424 Posts for Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) Vacancy in different provincialised secondary schools under the Secondary Education Department, Government of Assam. The interested and eligible candidates may apply online for the latest DSE Assam PGT Vacancy 2024 by visiting the official recruitment portal at madhyamik.assam.gov.in after reading the complete DSE Assam PGT Recruitment official notification pdf provided below.
DSE Assam Recruitment 2024
The Directorate of Secondary Education (DSE), Assam Recruitment 2024 for Post Graduate Teachers has been officially released for 1424 Vacancies. All the important information related to the DSE Assam PGT New Job Vacancy 2024 has been tabulated below:
Posts | Post Graduate Teacher |
Organisation | Directorate of Secondary Education (DSE), Assam |
No. of Posts | 1424 |
Application Mode | Online |
Salary | Rs. 22,000 – Rs. 97,000 |
Start Date | Notified Soon |
Last Date | Notified Soon |
Official Website | madhyamik.assam.gov.in |
Free Alerts | YouTube | Telegram |
DSE Assam Recruitment Details
Name of Post: Post Graduate Teacher
No. of Posts: 1424 Posts
Department: Directorate of Secondary Education (DSE), Assam
Also Read: Assam High School TET Recruitment
DSE Assam PGT Recruitment Educational Qualification
The applicant must be a Post Graduate in the concerned subject with at least 50% marks (or its equivalent) from a recognized University and should possess a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) qualification from an institution recognized by National Council for Teacher Education. Degrees obtained in off-campus and distance education mode shall not be considered as valid.
DSE Assam Post Graduate Teacher Salary
Rs. 22,000 to Rs. 97,000 including Grade Pay of Rs. 11,800 per month (under Pay Band 3) with other allowances as admissible as per rule.
DSE Assam Recruitment Age Limit
The candidates must not be less than 21 years of age and not more than 38 years of age as on 01.01.2023
Age Relaxation: The upper age relaxation is mentioned below:
Category | Age Relaxation |
OBC/ MOBC | 03 Years |
SC/ ST | 05 Years |
PwBD | 10 Years |
Ex-Servicemen | 02 Years |
Note: Note: The age limit of the candidates will be calculated on the basis of the Matriculation/ HSLC Admit Card/ Certificate issued by a recognized Board/ Council, and no other document shall be accepted in lieu thereof for the purpose
Other Citeria for DSE Assam Latest Recruitment
Teachers Eligibility Test cum Recruitment Test Qualification: The applicant should have appeared and passed Higher Secondary Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) in the concerned cadre, conducted by the Government, scoring a minimum of 60% marks in case of Un-reserved category candidates and minimum of 55% marks in case of SC/ ST/ OBC and PwD candidates.
Provided that for the teachers working regularly against a sanctioned Graduate post in any Provincialised High School or Higher Secondary School for a minimum period of 15 years having requisite academic and professional qualifications for the post of Post Graduate Teachers appearing and qualifying in TET shall be optional and they shall be awarded with a weight-age of 60 marks for their 15 years of continuous teaching experience and those who have appeared and qualified in the TET shall get the TET qualified marks in lieu of the weight-age given for the experience.
Provided further that any experienced teacher who has appeared but could not secure the minimum qualifying 60 marks in the TET, shall be awarded at least 60 marks in respect of their experience if he or she has already completed 15 years of teaching experience, any marks secured by such experienced teacher over and above 60 qualifying marks in TET shall be counted additionally in respect of TET for such teacher for the purpose of selection for the post of Post Graduate Teacher.
Small Family Norms: No person having more than two living children on or after 01.01.2021 from a single or multiple partners shall be eligible for appointment as per the Govt. policy on Small Family Norms
Physical Fitness: The applicant for the post of Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) shall be:
- of sound health both mentally and physically and free from any organic defect or bodily infirmity which is likely to interfere in the efficient performance of his duties; and
- required to undergo medical examination before appointment to the service
DSE Assam Recruitment Medium of Instruction
In addition to the academic and professional qualification, the applicant must satisfy the following criteria:
- In case of Assamese Medium School, the applicant must have passed HSLC or equivalent examination with Assamese language as one of the subjects or have diploma in Assamese Language issued by the Assam Sahitya Sabha or read up to HSLC level in Assamese Medium School.
- In case of Bengali Medium School, the applicant must have passed HSLC or equivalent examination with Bengali language as one of the subjects or have Diploma in Bengali issued by the Barak Upatyaka Bangya Sahitya O Sanskriti Sammelan or read up to HSLC level in Bengali Medium School.
- In case of Hindi Medium School, the applicant must have passed HSLC or equivalent examination with Hindi language as one of the subjects or read upto HSLC level in Hindi Medium School.
- In case of Bodo Medium School, the applicant must have passed HSLC or equivalent examination with Bodo language as one of the subjects or read upto HSLC level in Bodo Medium School.
- In case of English Medium School, the applicant must have passed HSLC or equivalent examination with alternative English as one of the subject or read from Class XI onwards in English Medium School.
Note: Provided that for recruitment of teachers for teaching MIL subjects the candidate who passed HSLC Examination with particular MIL Subject shall be considered.
DSE Assam Recruitment Apply Online

The interested and eligible candidates may apply online for the new Assam PGT Recruitment 2024 by visiting the official recruitment portal of DSE, Assam.
The candidates may also follow the steps mentioned below to apply online for the DSE PGT Vacancy:
- Step 1: Scroll down this page and click on the “Apply Online” option to go to the direct link to apply
- Step 2: This will take you to the official website madhyamik.assam.gov.in
- Step 3: Fill in the required details like your name, age, educational qualifications, address etc
- Step 4: Attach all the documents requested like your photo, signature, marksheets, etc
- Step 5: Once the form is duly filled & successfully submitted, candidates are advised to print two copies of the application form and keep it safely for further use
Also Read: Assam Secretariat Recruitment
Documents Required for DSE PGT Recruitment 2024
- Passport Size Colour Photograph
- HSLC Mark sheet and Admit Card (Age Proof)
- HSSLC Mark-sheet and Certificate
- Mark sheet and Certificate of Bachelor Degree
- Marksheet and Certificate of Post Graduate Degree
- Any other mark-sheet and certificate of higher education
- B.Ed./ Parangat Mark sheet (1st Year & 2nd Year) and Certificate
- Caste Certificate (in case of SC/ ST(P)/ST(H)/OBC/MOBC)
- Candidates with disabilities will have to enclose certificates of disabilities issued by Govt. authority.
- Scanned Signature
- Certificate of Ex-servicemen issued by the Director, Sainik Welfare Board
Important Dates for DSE Assam Recruitment
Start Date | Notified Soon |
Last Date | Notified Soon |
Important Links for DSE Assam Vacancy
Apply Online | Coming Soon |
Official Notification | Click Here |
Official Website | Click Here |
Join Telegram | Click Here |
TET cum Recruitment Exam Syllabus & Exam Pattern
The candidate shall have to appear and pass in the Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) cum Recruitment Test to be notified in due course of time on the official website. The TET cum Recruitment Exam pattern & syllabus is mentioned below:
Subject | Marks |
Pedagogy | 50 marks |
Assam and its People | 50 marks |
General English | 30 marks |
General Studies and Current Affairs | 10 marks |
Total | 140 marks |
Common Question Paper: There shall be one common question paper for all the vacancies irrespective of subjects for DSE Post Graduate Teacher Recruitment 2024
No. of Qualified Candidates: The number of qualified candidates in the TET cum Recruitment Test shall be in the ratio of 1:1 of the vacancies advertised
Merit List: In case, any post remains vacant after publication of the first Merit List as per the ratio of 1:1, then maximum 02 (two) more numbers of Merit List will be published. There shall be separate Merit List subject-wise in case of Post Graduate Teacher.
DSE Assam PGT Recruitment 2024 Selection Process
We have provided all the selection parameters from where the merit list will be prepared:
- 100 marks on the percentage of marks in MA/ M.Sc./ M.Com Examination
- 100 marks on the percentage of marks in BA/ B.Sc./ B.Com Examination (In the case of Major/ Hons, the marks obtained in Major/ Hons shall be taken into consideration)
- 100 marks on the percentage of marks in BT/B.Ed. Examination
- 100 marks on the percentage of marks in the TET Examination or 60 marks for 15 years of experience as a Graduate Teacher in provincialized High/ Higher Secondary School having requisite academic and professional qualifications, as the case may be. Any experienced teacher who has appeared but could not secure the minimum qualifying 60 marks in the TET, shall be awarded at least 60 marks in respect of their experience if he or she has already completed 15 years of teaching experience. Any marks secured by such experienced teacher over and above 60 qualifying marks in TET shall be counted additionally in respect of TET for such teacher for the purpose of selection for the post of Post Graduate Teacher
- 10 marks for the NCC certificate (10 marks for the C certificate and 5 marks for the B certificate)
- 10 marks for participating in recognized sports at the national level representing Assam
- 10 marks for achievements in Fine Arts and cultural activities representing the state officially at the national level
FAQs on Assam DSE PGT Vacancy 2024
How many posts are vacant under the latest DSE Assam PGT Recruitment 2024?
The total number of vacant posts under the latest DSE Assam PGT Recruitment 2024 is 1424
What is the full form of PGT?
The full form of PGT is Post Graduate Teacher