What is Ishan Uday Scholarship 2020?
The Ministry of HRD and the University Grants Commission has taken special interest with regard to promotion of higher education in the NER. For improving the GER, promoting higher education and for encouraging children belonging to the economically weaker section of the NE region, the UGC has decided to launch “Ishan Uday” Special Scholarship Scheme for North Eastern Region from academic session 2014-15.
Before launching the scheme the UGC undertook wide-ranging consultations with State Governments and Central & State Universities of the NE region, the Ministry of HRD, the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, the North Eastern Council, Shillong and other stakeholders.
Important Dates for Ishan Uday Scholarship 2020:
Scheme Closing Date: 30-10-2020 30-11-2020 (Extended)
Defective Verification: 15-11-2020 15-12-2020
Institute Verification: 15-11-2020 15-12-2020
What are the objectives of Ishan Uday Scholarship 2020?
- To provide equal opportunities for higher studies in NE Region
- To increase the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in NE Region.
- To focus more on professional education in NE Region.
- Optimum utilization of NER Budgetary Allocation.
How many scholarships does Ishan Uday provide every year?
Ten thousand (10,000) fresh scholarships every year, beginning from the academic year 2014-15 for general degree courses, technical and professional courses, including medical and paramedical courses as certified by the Registrar/ Principal/ Director of University/ College/ Institute.
Eligibility Criteria for Ishan Uday Scholarship 2020?
Students should meet the following criteria to be eligible for Ishan Uday Scholarship 2020:
- Students with a domicile of NER, whose parental annual income does not exceed Rs.4.5 lakh per annum from all sources.
- Passed XII or equivalent in the preceding year of study i.e. 2017 for applications called for during the year 2017-18.
- Secured admission in the first year of any degree course, either general degree course of technical/professional/ medical/ paramedical course (Integrated courses included) in any of the following University/ College/ Institute :
- Universities/ Institutions/ Colleges included under section 2(f) and 12(B) of UGC Act.
- Deemed to be Universities included under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956 and eligible to receive grants-in-aid from UGC.
- Universities/Institutions/Colleges funded by Central / State Government.
- Institutes of National Importance.
- Institutions recognized by other Statutory councils within as well as outside
- The admission should have been made in University/ Institution/ College with AISHE code.
- Note a) For students of integrated degree courses, the scholarship will be tenable for the complete duration of the course.
- Note b) For dual degree course, the scholarship will only be tenable for the tenure of the first degree.
- For availing scholarship under this scheme, the income of the parents of the student should not exceed Rs.4.5 lakh per annum.
- Transgender candidates are eligible to apply under the scheme. The reservation shall be followed as per Government of India norms.
Who are not eligible to apply for Ishan Uday Scholarship 2020?
The following shall not be eligible under this scheme:
- Students pursuing courses/programs through Open Universities.
- Students already availing scholarship for pursuing the Undergraduate programme under any other scheme(s).
- Students gaining admission through “management quota”.
- Students pursuing courses, such as Diploma Courses, not leading to the award of a Degree.
- Students whose parents’ income exceeds Rs.4.5 lakh per annum using courses, such as Diploma Courses, not leading to the award of a degree.
What are the slots for Ishan Uday Scholarship 2020?
- UGC will award 10,000 (ten thousand) fresh scholarships per year.
- Allocation of slots for each State shall be done based upon the population (latest census report) of the respective State. If the slots remain vacant in any particular State, the unfilled slots shall be distributed equitably among other States.
- There shall be three Percent horizontal reservation for differently-able persons.
Ishan Uday Scholarship Amount?
Rs.5400/- per month for a general degree course and Rs.7800/- per month for technical/ medical/ professional/ paramedical courses.
How to Apply for Ishan Uday Scholarship Scheme 2020?
- Applications will be invited once in a year on the National e-Scholarship Portal of the Government of India. Short notification will also be uploaded on the UGC website.
- At the time of applying, the course will be classified as a general degree or professional by the concerned University/ Institution/College.
- Incomplete applications will be summarily rejected. Only verified online applications will be considered for award of scholarship.
Documents Required for Ishan Uday Scholarship Scheme 2020?
The following documents will be uploaded at the time of applying under the scheme on the NeSP:
- Domicile certificate to be issued by the competent authority.
- Proof of annual income to be issued by the competent authority.
- For renewals, the annual progress report and continuation of studies will be required to be uploaded/ verified by the concerned University/ Institution/ College.
Ishan Uday Official Guidelines: CLICK HERE
Apply Online: CLICK HERE
FAQs on Ishan Uday Scholarship:
What is the last date to apply for Ishan Uday Scholarship 2020?
The scheme closing date is 30-10-2020
What is the Scholarship amount for Ishan Uday 2020?
Rs.5400/- per month for a general degree course and Rs.7800/- per month for technical/ medical/ professional/ paramedical courses.
Documents required for Ishan Uday Scholarship 2020?
Domicile certificate & Income certificate for fresh candidates
What is the annual income criteria for Ishan Uday Scholarship?
Students whose parents’ income exceeds Rs.4.5 lakh per annum will not be eligible to apply for Ishan Uday Scholarship.
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